Duplicate Spaces

Duplicate Spaces to create templates and share the same learning experience with new groups of students
Duplicate Spaces

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Why do the same work twice?

Build an interactive curriculum

Use boards, board folders and breakout rooms to organize content in a Space. Then duplicate it all for a repeatable learning experience — read the Case Study

Instant classroom setup

Teaching the same class again? Don't setup your Space manually, duplicate your last Space and you're ready to go.

Create template spaces

Create shared Spaces that are pre-configured for all your classes and subjects

Build an interactive curriculum

Use boards, board folders and breakout rooms to organize content in a Space. Then duplicate it all for a repeatable learning experience — read the Case Study

Instant classroom setup

Teaching the same class again? Don't setup your Space manually, duplicate your last Space and you're ready to go.

Create template spaces

Create shared Spaces that are pre-configured for all your classes and subjects

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.